3 Tips for Small Businesses That Are Reopening
reading time: 9 minute(s)
Many businesses across the country have been given the all-clear to begin reopening. This is a difficult topic for many business leaders. It is ideal to return to normal and resume their services, but they also want to ensure the safety of their employees and patrons.
There is so much to consider, and the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the way that we live in ways that no one has ever experienced before.
So, how do you resume doing “business as usual” when nothing is the same as usual? Here are some tips that our team has gathered with expert resources in mind.
Know Your Local Situation
Each state is handling the reopening situation at different paces. It is very important to understand not only what your state outlook is but to also know the outlook for your county. Are cases still spiking? Are they in a downturn? What are the unique challenges of your county? These are all questions that an officer from your Chamber of Commerce will be willing to discuss with you.
That said, the Governors of each state are largely responsible for the reopening decisions made in your state. Be sure to keep up with your state requirements. Just because all businesses are open in another state does not mean that opening your business is safe or even possible. Using social media to follow your state and local government is a great way to keep track of COVID-19 updates.
Know Your Industry Requirements
Reopening safely will look different depending on what industry you are working in. For example, opening a day spa looks much different from reopening a coffee shop. Whether you a restaurant that has been open but serving your patrons with pick up and delivery or a gym that has been closed for the past several weeks, you must adhere to certain guidelines.
Luckily, organizations like OSHA and the CDC have laid out resources and guidelines for providing safe services to your customers. To find more information about the reopening safety guidelines for your business, be sure to check out the links below
Have A Comprehensive Plan
Reopening a businesses amid a pandemic outbreak is new to everyone right now, and the best way to go into the unknown is with a solid plan. As a small business owner, you are also a leader. Your employees and your customers will look to you and trust you with your safety.
You may find that both your employees and your patrons are cautious when it comes to leaving home and tackling this new normal. If you have a plan for their safety and are willing to address their concerns and remain empathetic to their situations, they will respond much better.
Be sure to have a plan to address the capacity of your business. How many employers will work on a shift? How many customers can be inside your business at once? You will also need to have a plan for disinfecting your business and providing the necessary PPEs to your employees. There will be so many questions, we will learn along the way, the more answers that you have upfront, the better.
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