Adding Recipients/Employees to a Business
More tips for getting the most out of your TaxBandits account.
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Adding recipients and employees to a business is easy with TaxBandits! Here’s how you can add recipients and employees to the businesses in your TaxBandits account
Once you’ve signed in, begin by clicking the Account Box from the upper right corner.
Select “Address Book”:
Select the “Add Recipients/Employee” icon from the business you want to add to.
Choose if you want to manually add or bulk upload recipients:
If manually adding, click “Start Now”, enter the recipient details, then click “Save”:
If bulk uploading, click “Start Now” and download the template:
Add each recipient on a separate row:
Once all of the recipient details have been added, download the completed template, then use Step 2 in your TaxBandits account to select the file from your computer and upload it to TaxBandits:
If any of the recipients already exist in your TaxBandits account, their information will be updated based on the data in your template:
Preview the recipient details to ensure you’ve added the data in the correct columns, then click “Continue to Import”:
Review the import summary to see which files have been imported correctly and if there were any errors:
The imported recipients will then be available in your Address Book under the business they belong with:
Now, you can select the recipient from your address book when filing:
*If a new recipient is reported on a form, the new recipient will be added to your address book once the form has been filed.
Want to see steps for other business types, forms, or features? Comment below and we’ll make your request a future blog!
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