Your Guide to Filing 5498 Series Forms: Everything You Need to Know
reading time: 16 minute(s)

As the May 31 deadline approaches, filing the 5498 series forms can seem overwhelming. This series includes 5498, 5498-SA, and 5498-ESA, which are crucial for reporting contributions to various savings accounts.
Whether you’re overseeing IRAs, Health Savings Accounts, or Coverdell ESAs, this comprehensive guide covers everything. We will break down each form, review the necessary filing information, and offer valuable tips to ensure you file correctly and on time.
TaxBandits offers a straightforward solution for trustees or issuers who must file Form 5498 series with the IRS and distribute recipient copies via postal mail or online access to a secure portal. Keep reading to better understand the 5498 series and simplify your filing process – stress-free!
What are the 5498 Series Forms?
The 5498 series forms are a group of IRS forms used to report various types of contributions to specific savings accounts, such as Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), Archer Medical Savings Accounts (Archer MSAs), Medicare Advantage Savings Accounts (MA MSAs), and Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (ESAs). These forms are essential for taxpayers to accurately report their contributions and for the IRS to ensure compliance with tax laws.
The 5498 Series Forms Include:
TaxBandits supports the following 5498 Forms that must be filed with the IRS.
Form 5498: IRA Contributions Information
Form 5498 is an IRS tax form used to report contributions made to Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), including Traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, SEP(Simplified Employee Pension) IRAs, and SIMPLE (Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees) IRAs. It is filed by financial institutions, such as banks or brokerage firms, to report these contributions to the IRS. In this form, trustees of these accounts must provide the contributions, rollovers, Fair Market Value (FMV), Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs), and recharacterizations of the account.
Form 5498-SA: HSA, Archer MSA, or Medicare Advantage MSA Information
Form 5498-SA is a federal tax form used to report contributions to a Health Savings Account (HSA), Archer Medical Savings Account (Archer MSA), or Medicare Advantage MSA (MA MSA). The account custodian or trustee, typically the manager of the HSA or MSA account, is responsible for filing Form 5498-SA with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for each account holder and providing a copy to the account holder.
Recipients don’t need to file their copy of Form 5498-SA with their tax returns – it’s just for informational purposes. However, they should check it for accuracy and keep the copy for their records.
Form 5498-ESA: Coverdell ESA Contribution Information
Form 5498-ESA deals explicitly with a person for whom you maintained a Coverdell education savings account (ESA). A Coverdell ESA is a trust or custodial account created to pay an individual’s qualified education expenses. The account must be designated as a Coverdell ESA when it is created and treated as such for tax purposes.
What information is required to file 5498 Series Forms?
While the 5498 forms are used to report information about various types of accounts, certain general information is necessary to file any of these forms. Some of this information includes:
- Trustee Information: Enter the information about the Trustee’s name, street address, city or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, telephone number, and TIN.
- Participant Information: Enter information about the name, Street address (including apartment no.), City or town, state or province, country, ZIP or foreign postal code, TIN, and account number.
Additional information that forms of the 5498 Series require:
Form 5498 | Form 5498-SA | Form 5498-ESA |
IRA contributions detailsRollover contributions detailsRoth IRA conversion amount detailsRecharacterized contributions detailsDetails about FMV of account | Contribution DetailsFair Market Value (of HSA, Archer MSA, MA MSA)Type of account(HSA,Archer MSA,MA MSA) | Coverdell ESA Contribution InformationRollover Contribution Information |
When is the reporting deadline(s) for 5498 forms?
The reporting deadline to file the 5498 series forms, which include Form 5498, Form 5498-SA, and Form 5498-ESA, is as follows:
- To the IRS: All 5498 series forms must be filed with the IRS by May 31, following the calendar year in which the contributions were made.
- To the Account Holder: The account holder must receive a copy of the relevant form by May 31.
Note: If the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, it will be due the next business day.
Starting January 1, 2024, the IRS has lowered the e-file threshold from 250 to 10. Consequently, businesses filing over 10 forms are required to file electronically. Within minutes, you can easily file your 5498 Forms with TaxBandits, an IRS-authorized e-file service provider, and transmit your form to the IRS.
Simplify your 5498 Series E-filing with TaxBandits!
When it comes to filing 5498 Forms, trustees have two options. They can file paper copies with the IRS or file electronically. The IRS’s preferred filing method is electronic filing, which is more convenient for both the IRS and filers. Electronic filing allows the IRS to process forms faster and provides filers with quicker updates. Here’s where TaxBandits becomes the real game changer!
TaxBandits, as an authorized e-file service provider, can help you easily file 5498, 5498-SA, and 5498-ESA forms, ensuring tax compliance. You can e-file your 5498 forms in minutes by creating a free TaxBandits account and transmitting your forms to the IRS.
TaxBandits allows you to distribute your recipient copies via postal mail or through an online access secure portal. We ensure that your completed 5498,5498-SA and 5498-ESA Forms adhere to IRS business rules, ensuring accurate filing. TaxBandits securely maintains records of the transmitted 5498 Form(s) for up to 7 years.
Start your 5498 E-filing today with TaxBandits!

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