A Guide to Requesting Form W-9 Using TaxBandits

Requesting W-9s will help your business when it comes time to file 1099s!

We are breaking down step by step how to easily request Form W-9 Online with TaxBandits!

The instructions for requesting Form W-9 are based on the TaxBandits application and the IRS guidance, for complete IRS instructions on this form, click here.

Getting Started: Requesting Form W-9

Once you’ve signed in to TaxBandits, select ‘Start New’ in the upper right corner:

Select ‘Form’:

Select Form ‘W-9’:

Enter the recipient’s name and email address, you can even add an account number for them if needed, then click ‘Continue’:

Select to pay per form or select the number of W-9 credits you would like to purchase:

Click ‘Send W-9 Request’

The form will then be shown as pending:

The recipient will be sent an email with a secure link to complete W-9 Form. Once they have completed the form and selected to submit it, the form will be shown in your account as complete:

You can then select to view the W-9 or begin filing Form 1099:

As you can see, requesting W-9 forms from vendors and independent contractors has never been easier! Ready to get started?!

Create your free account at TaxBandits today!

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