E-filing Features That Make Your Life Less Stressful

ExpressTaxFilings has brand new features that deserve a bit of showing off; especially when the final deadline to e-file 1099 & W-2s is March 31st. So I’m not going to hold you back with a lengthy introductions, let’s see what’s new!

ExpressTaxFilings Now Offers…
Little backstory, at one point you had to e-file with ExpressTaxFilings to e-file a 1099 or W-2 correction form. We felt that wasn’t completely fair because some service providers don’t even have correction form available for the 1099 or W-2 and we wanted to make your life easier. Now you can e-file a 1099 or W-2 Correction with ExpressTaxFilings even if you did not file the original return using our services. 
Here is a quick demo that shows how easy it is to e-file a 1099 Correction:
If a W-2 Correction is what you need to e-file, check out this demo video on our YouTube Channel. 
Another New Feature
You can now void a previously transmitted 1099 Return that was e-filed through ExpressTaxFilings or another service provider. No more run around with the IRS trying to void a return, all you will have to do is log into your ExpressTaxFilings account and follow these steps:

If you have any questions about ExpressTaxFilings’ new features, contact the ExpressTaxFilings Team via phone: 704-839-2270 or email: support@expresstaxfilings.com

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