What You Need To File Your Form 990 Before The Deadline

It feels like there’s never a break from the never-ending deadlines, doesn’t it? Your Fourth of July celebration was a success, and lifSave time by filing your 990 tax form online!e is already back in full swing.

Perched atop it all is the upcoming nonprofit 990 filing deadline on July 15th. This deadline is important for you if your tax-exempt organization’s fiscal tax year starts in March.

Don’t put off filing your Form 990 and risk losing your status. No matter how daunting it may seem, we’re here to make it easy for you.

Let’s go over what you need to meet the July Form 990 filing deadline.


What You Need To File Your Form 990 Before The Deadline

Know Which 990 Tax Form to File

I wouldn’t wish filing and transmitting the wrong 990 tax form on my worst enemy! Here’s a super quick introduction to the IRS Form 990 Series.

There are four types of 990 tax forms that exempt-organizations can file. They’re commonly known as the 990 Postcard, Short Form 990, Long Form 990, and 990-PF. Select and e-file the appropriate 990 Form that best meets the current financial status of your nonprofit organization.

Form 990-N (e Postcard) – Nonprofit form 990 for organizations reporting gross receipts less than $50,000. 990 N filing deadlines for 990 N Postcard will depend on whether your organization operates on a standard or fiscal calendar tax year.

Form 990-EZ (Short Form) – Nonprofit form 990 for organizations reporting gross receipts less than $200,000 and total assets less than $500,000.

Form 990 (Long Form) – Nonprofit form 990 for organizations reporting gross receipts equal to or greater than $200,000 and total assets equal to or greater than $500,000.

Form 990-PF  – Nonprofit form 990 for organizations identifying as an exempt private foundation, taxable private foundation, or a nonexempt charitable trust treated as a private foundation.


Organize Necessary Tax Related Documentation

Before completing your organization’s nonprofit form 990, take a moment to locate and organize all your necessary tax-related information to make the filing process easier and less time-consuming.

Depending on which 990 tax form you must file, a variety of information will need to be provided:

Information Needed For 990 N Filing (e Postcard / 990 Postcard) 
  • Employer Identification Number
  • Legal Name
  • Fiscal year period
  • Principal Officer
  • Current Address
  • Gross Receipts under $50,000


Information Needed To File Form 990/990-EZ/990-PF
  • EIN
  • Legal Name
  • Fiscal year period
  • Current Address
  • Contact number
  • Exemption type
  • List of Officers and Key Employees
  • Prior year return
  • Contributions for the past 5 years
  • Other Revenue details
  • Expenses
  • Investment Income details
  • Numbers of Employees, Contractors & Volunteers
  • Organization’s Mission
  • Accomplishments for the year (Grants Paid, Projects finished, etc.)
  • Donor Advised Fund Information
  • Endowment Funds Information
  • Assets (Art, Historical treasures, etc.)
  • Policies
  • Details of Activities
  • (Political, lobbying, foreign transactions, etc.)
  • Related organizations

Let’s Get Started!

Get started with your 990 filing today in order to meet the upcoming deadline.

Once you’ve gathered all the necessary information, use TaxBandits’ self-guided filing process to file your nonprofit 990 fast in order to meet the July 990 filing deadline.

We support tax-exempt organizations by providing automatic schedules and worksheets, 100% US-based customer support, prior year IRS nonprofit filing, and more!

Whether you’re filing a 990 N postcard or long form 990 tax form, TaxBandits can help you with IRS Nonprofit Filing.

Register for your free account today and let us help you stay in good standing with the IRS.


Start My Form 990 Filing!

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